Blog Guidines

Be transparent. Explain your possible conflicts of interest on your
About page. Make sure a conflict is clear in individual posts.

trustworthy. Be right. 
When you're wrong, correct as quickly as
possible and be honest about it. Don't write misleading headlines. Give
credit where credit is due by linking, including for copyrighted images.

Use good judgment. 
Even though you are an independent contractor, our
readers may think of you as a representative of the Website and your
fellow community members. Please use good judgment when
dealing with fellow readers and bloggers online and in public.
Because we want your blog to thrive here, we also hope you will do the following:
Blog frequently and intelligently. We're not going to tell you how often to post or what to write about. We trust you.

Build community. 
means moderating your comments, featuring users'
content on your blog, and interacting with users regularly and in a
timely fashion. After all, the more visitors and users you attract to
your blog, the more we will pay you. (ChicagoNow bloggers are paid
based on their local traffic.)
Keep us in the loop. We want
to know if you have a problem or need to bounce an idea around.

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